Our interactive graphical reporting tool goes beyond mere data presentation, allowing companies to discern trends and pinpoint high-risk drivers with precision.
Gain Insight into CSA Scores
Identify Red Flag Drivers
View Company Performance Over Time
Manage Roadside Inspections
Manage Driver Behavior
Perform Root Cause Analysis
Reduce Risk
Lower CSA Scores
Real-time Graphical Dashboard
Visibility Across the Organization
Interactive Charts and Reports Based on MVR Scoring and Violations
Build, Filter and Sort Reports for Export
Driver Performance by Region, Location, Location Size, Driver Class, or Years of Service
FMCSA organizes the SMS data into seven Behavioral Analysis and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs):
Unsafe Driving
Crash Indicator
Driver Fitness
Controlled Substances / Alcohol
Vehicle Maintenance
Hazardous Materials Compliance